Tess Nottebohm


Chinese Opera

Russian Orphans

Barbie Installation Art

Protectress Priestess of New Orleans

Barbie Installation Art

Sirens of the Sea

Shoe and Accessory Campaign

Tess Nottebohm's picture
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Personal Information

Full Name
Tess Nottebohm
Artist Bio

"Artist and writer Tess Nottebohm interweaves her talents in a whimsical, yet intellectual fashion, in a powerful mix that delves deeply into her subjects and herself. Her most recent works can be viewed at the 2012 'Altered Barbie' Exhibition." --Richard Rapaport, author, journalist

Artist Statement

Beauty, with a twist of strangeness, has entranced me since I can remember. Consequently, I've wandered through this life as Her servant, compelled to embellish everything in my path with Her mysterious touch.


Member for
12 years 5 months