Danny Sanchez


Vinyl Day Dreams :: Thank Goodness Those Awkward Teen Years are Over :: Polaroid

Thank Goodness Those Awkward Teen Years Are Over

Vinyl Day Dreams :: When I Grow Up :: Polaroid

When I Grow Up...

Vinyl Day Dreams :: Salad or Sweets? :: Polaroid

Salad or Sweets?

Vinyl Day Dreams :: Bromance :: Polaroid


Vinyl Day Dreams :: I Wonder if it Comes in Pink :: Polaroid

I Hope It Comes in Pink

Dollebrities :: Britney: Not a Girl and Not Yet a Woman::

Britney Not a Girl and Not Yet a Woman

Dollebrities ::  Lindsay Lohan Mean Girl Made of Plastic

Lindsay Lohan Mean Girl Made of Plastic

Vinyl Day Dreams: With so Many Personalities Who Will She be Today?

With so Many Personalities Who will She be Today?

Danny Sanchez's picture
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Personal Information

Full Name
Danny Sanchez
Artist Bio

My journey into photographing toys began in the late 90's. I always had a passion for taking pictures, but never had the proper equipment. For my first project, armed with my disposable Kodak 35 mm camera, I decided to stage Barbie's Christmas party. As a result, I found it fun to stage a world that did not exist and photograph it look as part of our every day life.

Since then, I have honed in my skills and upgraded from the wonderful world of disposable cameras to SLR. Some of my favorite topics to explore are love & dating and popular culture. Lately, I have reverted from the world of digital photography to film...instant film!

Artist Statement

Vinyl Day Dreams

Barbie and her friends are always smiling... for the most part. But what are they smiling about? This new series explores their deepest thoughts to expose what is truly behind those vinyl expressions. All the images are multiple exposures photographed on Polaroid film!


Member for
14 years 7 months