All Artwork by Danny Sanchez

Vinyl Day Dreams :: Thank Goodness Those Awkward Teen Years are Over :: Polaroid
Thank Goodness Those Awkward Teen Years Are Over
Vinyl Day Dreams :: When I Grow Up :: Polaroid
When I Grow Up...
Vinyl Day Dreams :: Salad or Sweets? :: Polaroid
Salad or Sweets?
Vinyl Day Dreams :: Bromance :: Polaroid
Vinyl Day Dreams :: I Wonder if it Comes in Pink :: Polaroid
I Hope It Comes in Pink
Dollebrities :: Britney: Not a Girl and Not Yet a Woman::
Britney Not a Girl and Not Yet a Woman
Dollebrities ::  Lindsay Lohan Mean Girl Made of Plastic
Lindsay Lohan Mean Girl Made of Plastic
Vinyl Day Dreams: With so Many Personalities Who Will She be Today?
With so Many Personalities Who will She be Today?
Vinyl Day Dreams :: She has an Appetite that Never Ceases :: Polaroid
She has an Appetite that Never Ceases
Dollebrities: Rupaul Supermodoll of the World
Rupaul Supermodoll of the World