Thoughts on Jurying the Altered Barbie show by Maggie Malloy
A few notes from Maggie Malloy this years juror for the 6th annual altered Barbie Show: Maggie explains her thought process when jurying a piece for consideration.
For two dimensional pieces, such as a photo or painting, I am looking for the over all composition, placement on the surface. Where does the image land in space and why was it placed there? Don't ignore the background. It is just as important as the foreground and the image. I am also looking for the projection of the image and the impact on the viewer. What was the concept, idea behind the image? The content is a given, Barbie or Ken as historical icons. How was the content, altered? Does it give us new information about Barbie? What context are you putting the image in contemporary, political, feminist, religious, etc. In the final consideration, I am looking at technical ability of the material. How well does the artist know/handle the paint, collage to surface, photographic techniques? And of course, the over all presentation is it well framed? Does the frame have something to do with the image? If mounted on board or canvas, are the sides clean? For three dimensional work, I am looking for content, concept and context in the overall final piece/object. Are all three sides of the work considered? Does the concept, idea come across as readable? Is the content altered to a NEW image and does the content and concept mesh together? If using a stand or pedestal or base, does it add or subtract from the context? Is the base just a second thought? The base can set up the context for a successful piece. If a biker Barbie is placed on a plain cardboard box, can one enhance the context by adding, say, tracks or drawing/painting tracks? Again, presentation, presentation, presentation. Finally, messy and unfinished work is a turn off. Successful work is clean, stable, whole. Buyers want completed held together work.
Thanks to all that sent in images. I amazed at the creative ways that Barbie can be altered.
Maggie Malloy, juror