Vertically Challenged Barbie

Artist: Kari Harvey
(Click for Artist Profile and additional Artwork)

Kari Harvey is a contented art teacher living in the Inland Empire in southern, Southern California. She has been “toying” with Barbie dolls ever since she made a “White Trash Barbie” for a friend who is serious Barbie collector. Barbie dolls are the perfect vehicle for her sick and twisted sense of humor. When she’s not cutting the heads off of children’s toys, she’s painting, sculpting and building in her studio or she’s grading papers.

Even as a little girl I hated Barbie, she was everything I didn’t want to be. GI Joe had much cooler outfits and way better accessories and I bet Barb was secretly jealous too. After all, she simply existed in her little pink world; where girly girls unceasingly stripped her, redressed her and combed her hair. How boring! My disgust certainly didn’t wane as I and my feminist ideals developed. I was grateful she didn’t get her teenie, tiny, little hands on me back then.

Times change, she tries to keep up; more outfits, a job, a car, a house and several multicultural clones, I think her values have changed too. She and Ken have been “seeing” each other for how long now? I’m pretty sure they’ve consummated that relationship. The poor girl can’t seem to decide on a career path, clearly she’s held every job there is. And she is the most materialistic doll I know so, I’m pretty sure she’s overextended on her credit cards. She has a hell of a promoter though. She’d got her own row in every toy store and there is and I still don’t see the attraction.

4” x 1.5”