East-West fusion Barbie: “Hating me won’t make you pretty.”

Artist: Kel1st and Yu余
(Click for Artist Profile and additional Artwork)
(Click for Artist Profile and additional Artwork)
This is a fusion work, partly in support of WHOF, www.whof.net for the work they do in terms of suicide prevention and councilling online and also because it is something that I have been thinking of for a long time since the tragic death of Asia’s megastar Mr. Leslie Cheung. I celebrate Mr. Cheung’s courage to announce he was Bisexual to all of Asia, at the height of his career as a multi-plantinum selling recording artists, winner of the Palm d’ors and the most celebrated Icon of Modern chinese culture, in music & acting. His tragic suicide was a great loss to the arts world. RIP Leslie Cheung. 張國榮.