Afghan Super Star

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Inspired by the documentary "Afghan Star", the documentary portrays the challenges women have after over 30- years of war and Taliban rule in Afghanistan. The storyline focuses on the development of the pop singing industry that has taken a sudden rise in Afghanistan after numerous years of suppression, allowing both largely men, but a few women as well to compete in a singing competition that is aired on television nationwide. However the leading female singer, who with tremendous plight makes it to the last leg of the competion, only to be threatned by overextensive patriarchical restrictions, leading for her to live in fear and in hiding from being stoned/ killed. An insightful piece of work on the issues surrounding globalization within Afghanistan, and thechallenges of living within extremist faith guided gendered policies. Afghan Super Start is inspired by this documentary, revelaing that irrespective of a faith associated garment viewed to be the garment of oppression, new socio- economic changes are challenged, implemented and redefined by the women of today's Afghanistan.